Man I am terrible about keeping up with this thing lol
Ok I have ha a LOT of people ask me about my 'religion' lately so I thought I would take a moment to explain Taoism to the lot of ya (although it is more of an indivudual spiritual journey by each of us then an organized religion....but I digress). So here goes :-)
What is Taoism?
To many people, a confusing aspect of Taoism is its very definition. Many religions will happily teach a Philosophy/Dogma which in reflection defines a person. Taoism flips this around. It starts by teaching a truth; “The Tao” is indefinable. It then follows up by teaching that each person can discover the Tao in their own terms. A teaching like this can be very hard to grasp when most people desire very concrete definitions in their own life.
A simply way to start learning the definition of Taoism is to start within yourself.
Here are three easy starting steps to learning Taoism:
1.Don’t concentrate on the definition of the Tao (this will come later naturally)
2. Understand what Taoism really is. Taoism is more than just a “philosophy” or a “religion”. Taoism should be understood as being: A system of belief, attitudes and practices set towards the service and living to a person’s own nature.
3.The path of understanding Taoism is simply accepting yourself. Live life and discover who you are. Your nature is ever changing and is always the same. Don’t try to resolve the various contradictions in life, instead learn acceptance of your nature.
Taoism teaches a person to flow with life. Over the years Taoism has become many things to many people. Hundreds of variations in Taoist practice exist. Some of these practices are philosophical in nature, others are religious. Taoism makes no distinction in applying labels to its own nature. This is important since as a person, we are each a blend of many truths. The truth taught in Taoism is to embrace life in actions that support you as a person.
Taoism teaches a person to live to their heart.
Having a set of basic guidelines can be helpful. However realistically, guidelines don’t determine how to live; Instead Taoism teaches by living you will express your nature.
My personal guidelines are the following:
•With care, I aid those who are extended expressions of my nature.
•Be true to myself
•Connect to the world as I want to be treated.
•Connect to those outside my nature with decisive action.
•To those unwilling to accept me for my true nature, no action is required:
Just silently let them be themselves as I remain myself.
•I own nothing; I am merely a passing custodian of items outside of my nature.
Discover a set of practices to aid keeping the mind, body and spirit engaged and strong. Remember practices should support your essence with the activities fitting the needs of the moment. Which means this is a shifting balance of activities relative to your needs. For example I practice zumba to keep my body strong, yoga to make my body subtle, meditation to clear my mind, run around simply to fly and lift my spirit. Painting as a lens of examination. All these and more are my shifting practices to support my essence and in doing each, each helps me learn more about myself and the world.
Take time, relax and just explore and poke around. Taoism has no plans. Taoism is based upon following your gut feelings and trusting your instincts. It’s within the pause of a breath… that each step of living becomes visible for your larger life to improve and follow upon.
Smile, when needing to pick a possible next step. To smile is to open possibilities. Breathe when needing a break. Since to breathe is to be at one with yourself. Alternate the two and your path will become free and clear for an entire lifetime of wonder to explore.
This may sound simple, but you would be surprise how many people cannot embrace this most basic aspect of Taoist practice! People think it cannot be that simple! Taoism truly is this simple. Most people need time letting go of expectations.
I can summarize Taoism as simply as
Taoism is acceptance of your life.
Taoism is following your breath to find peace.
Taoism is opening up a smile to enable possibility.
If you embrace these three ideas, everything else follows in Taoism. Some people do start here. Others take a longer more colorful path. That’s fine also, since you get to experience more color in your life.
No wrong path exists at the end, since it’s about experiencing life.
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