Tuesday, April 17, 2012

i need a nap zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Naptime is not just for kindergarteners. A whole body of research shows that a midday snooze can increase productivity and alertness and Naps can often be the perfect weapons to combat midafternoon sluggishness, which tends to hit between 2 and 5 p.m.
So HOW & WHEN does one get the best results from a Nap?
1. The Odd Couple: Coffee and a Nap Turns out that a cup of joe won't ruin your nap, it will actually enhance it. A 2003 Japanese study found that you can alleviate sleepiness by combining a short snooze with coffee. Sound counterintuitive? Here's how it works: caffeine takes about 20 minutes to a half-hour to kick in, just enough time for you to nap. That way, if you've had a coffee-primed nap, the benefits are twofold: you've rested and you're ready to go when you wake.
2. The Nicest Nap: It’s said that 2 or 3 p.m. is the ideal nap hour—late enough to fit into your natural siesta zone but early enough that it will not interfere with your night sleep.
3. Length Does Matter: A good nap length is somewhere between 20 and 30 minutes. This will give you the restorative benefits of sleep without the lethargy or grogginess—aka "sleep drunkenness."
4. Making the Bed: Location may be the toughest nap quandary. You may have to turn your cubicle into a makeshift nap room—but that means you'll probably have to be all right with curling up under your desk. Heading to your parked car is another option—but of course you should make sure a window is open and the engine is not running.
5. Set an Alarm: Chances are, if you're tired enough to take a nap, you will not magically wake up on your own accord. So set an alarm, both to avoid the grogginess of a long nap and to make sure you don't sleep through anything important.
6. Keep It Consistent: Working that 20-minute nap into a particular sleep routine to make it part of your body's expected circadian rhythm.
7. Be an Alert Napper: If you always feel the need for a nap, think about your nightly sleep schedule. Are you down to only five or six hours? While a 20-minute nap is a good refresher, it will not make up for hours lost at night. Conversely, if you're getting eight hours of sleep each night yet still feel the need to nap, that might be the sign of a sleep disorder, or another health problem.

REALITY CHECK!! Nap time? Really? Who has time for that?! lol

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