Saturday, February 18, 2012

sitting on a rooftop drinking ram's piss


It smells like pee...seriously. I would imagine it would taste as nasty as it smells too. Tea does rhyme with wee- coincidence? It takes FOREVER to brew. Coffee is easy- throw it in the coffee maker and push on and WHAM! We have Coffee. Tea however comes in a little bag and I have to put it in the water, take it out, put it in, take it out, blah blah i have NOTHING else to do right? Then there are the fruit flavor teas that taste like warm squash with a nasty after taste as if it have been rotting in the box not to mention they are more expensive. Mint tea is just mint in hot water how special is that? Why not save yourself some cash and buy mint mouth wash- just add water and you have the same taste of mint tea AND fresh enjoyable breath....and why in the hell do come people call tea 'Char'? What does that even mean?

tea- it's rubbish :-P

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